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Soccer Finishing Drills: Which Ones to Include

Soccer Finishing Drills: Which Ones to Include

Practicing soccer finishing drills will improve your goal-scoring ability and contribute to your overall understanding of the game. 

By incorporating soccer finishing drills into your routine, you will learn to read different situations better and make faster and more effective decisions during the game. 

Also, these abilities are not exclusive to strikers. Midfielders and defenders can also benefit from better finishing.

Therefore, if you want to improve your performance on the soccer field, we recommend incorporating these exercises into your training routine. 

They will help you be more efficient in front of goals, handle pressure better, and contribute significantly to your team. 

What are soccer finishing drills?

Finishing soccer drills focus on improving a player’s, or team’s, ability to convert scoring opportunities into tangible goals. 

They are crucial to any training program, as practical completion can be the difference between winning or losing a match.

Why are these exercises important?

Finishing is an essential component of soccer, concluding an offensive play with a shot on goal. 

It doesn’t matter how much ball possession a team has or how many scoring chances it generates; If you can’t finish successfully, it will be hard to win matches. 

Therefore, finishing drills are vital to improving a team’s effectiveness on the field. 

These drills not only improve the players’ skills but can also help strengthen team coordination and communication in attacking situations.

Critical components of a good finishing exercise

Variables to consider when designing a completion exercise

Designing an excellent finishing exercise involves considering several variables. 

First, the skill level and physical development of the players. 

Second, the specific objectives of the exercise. Is it aimed at improving shooting accuracy, dribbling skills, team play, or all of these elements? 

Third, the context of the exercise. Is it an individual, partner, group exercise, or a simulated match scenario? 

Finally, the intensity and duration of the exercise are also essential factors to consider.

Physical, technical, tactical, and psychological aspects of finishing exercises

An excellent finishing exercise should work on all of these aspects. 

Physically: Challenge and improve the player’s physical condition, including speed, strength, and stamina. 

Technically: Help players improve the skills needed to finish successfully, such as ball control, shooting accuracy, and dribbling. 

Tactically: Teaching players to make intelligent decisions on the field and work with their teammates. 

Psychologically: Prepare players to handle pressure and maintain concentration during critical game situations.

Progression and regression in completion exercises

Progression refers to gradually increasing the difficulty and intensity of a drill to challenge and develop the players’ skills continually.

For example, a shooting drill might start with stationary shooting and then progress to moving shooting or shooting under pressure. 

Regression, on the other hand, is the process of adapting or simplifying a drill to fit a player’s or team’s current abilities. 

This is especially important to prevent injury and build confidence and motivation. 

A good coach should be able to adjust finishing drills to the needs of his players.

Individual soccer finishing drills.

Static shots: This exercise involves shooting at the goal from a fixed position. It benefits the player by improving the accuracy and power of their shots.

Dribbling and Shooting: This drill involves dribbling around obstacles before shooting on goal. 

It helps improve dribbling skills under pressure and the accuracy of shots on the move.

Control and Shoot: Here, players receive a pass, control the ball, and then shoot. 

This drill improves ball control under pressure and the ability to shoot quickly after receiving a pass.

Group soccer finishing drills

Attack vs. Defense: This is a group finishing drill where the attackers try to score goals against the defenders. 

Improve team coordination, decision-making, and finishing in real-game situations.

Passing and shooting on the move: In this drill, players must pass the ball to each other on the action and then try to shoot on goal. 

It helps improve passing and shooting skills on the move, communication, and teamwork.

Finishing drills in simulated matches

Small Matches: Small Matches (e.g., 3v3, 5v5) are a great way to practice finishing in an environment closely simulating a real game. 

These drills improve decision-making under pressure, finishing skills in real-game situations, and tactical understanding.

Match Scenarios: This drill involves creating specific match situations (e.g., counter-attack, corner kick) and allowing players to practice finishing in these contexts. 

This can help each player, whether defender, center, or forward, better understand when and how to finish in different match situations.

Frequently asked questions

How can goalkeepers benefit from finishing drills?

Although goalkeepers do not perform completions, they can benefit from understanding how attackers think and act in completion situations. This can help them better predict and respond to shots on goal.

What should I do if I don’t have teammates to practice finishing drills?

If you don’t have any partners available, you can still practice finishing. You can work on the accuracy of your shots by aiming at specific targets on the goal. You can also simulate pressing a defender using physical obstacles like cones or posts.

How can I improve my shooting power in soccer finishing drills?

Improving the power of your shot involves working on your leg strength and shooting technique. Strength and endurance exercises for the legs, along with the constant practice of your shooting technique, will help you increase the power of your shot.

How many times a week should I practice the finishing exercises?

The frequency will depend on your skill level and your goals. However, as a general rule of thumb, two to three times a week should be enough to see continuous improvements in your finishing ability. Always remember to give your body the time to rest and recover.

What kind of equipment is needed for the finishing drills?

You will need soccer balls, cones to mark a zone, areas or routes, and a goal. However, you can also use additional equipment such as vests, poles, and rebound nets to vary the exercises and add other challenges.

To play soccer, download CeleBreak

CeleBreak organizes friendly matches throughout the day and on different fields so you can play where and when you want.

You just need to download the CeleBreak App that is available for iOS and Android, and sign up.

You can go to the scheduled games individually or with your friends and choose any of the modalities, women’s, men’s, or mixed football.

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