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How to Get Better at Soccer: Step by Step

How to Get Better at Soccer: Step by Step

Knowing how to get better at soccer on the ground allows players to stand out in their group and reach their personal goals, which also contributes to the collective success of the team and the enjoyment of the sport.

Over time, football has evolved in tactics, training, and physical preparation, leading to increased play and competitiveness.

Improving in football is essential for any player who wants to achieve high performance and stand out on the playing field.

Fundamentals about how to improve in football


Balloon Control. The control of the balloon is fundamental to dominating the game.

A reasonable control allows the player to receive, handle and protect the balloon in different situations.

To improve this technique, practicing with both feet, on different surfaces, and with varying types of balloons is necessary.

Countries. The steps are essential to connect with teammates and move the balloon around the field.

Players must learn to perform short, wide, shallow, and aerial passes with precision and speed.

Practicing them with both legs and in different game situations can help improve this skill.

Dribbling. Dribbling is the ability to drive the balloon while it moves across the field, avoiding opponents.

The players must work on the speed, the change of direction, and the protection of the balloon.

Specific dribbling exercises and one-on-one confrontations can help improve this technique.

Shots. The shots are crucial to score goals and generating danger in the rival area.

Players must learn to shoot with power, placement, and precision, using different foot parts and in different game situations.

Constant practice and analysis of shooting techniques are essential to improve this skill.


Positioning. Good positioning is critical to success in football.

The players must learn to position themselves on the field according to their position and the team’s tactics.

Studying parties and working with the coach in specific situations can help improve positioning.

Movements without a balloon. The activities without the balloon are fundamental to creating spaces, unmark, and offering pase options.

Players must work on anticipation, game reading, and peer communication to improve.

Communication and teamwork. Football is a collective sport that requires good communication and collaboration.

Players must learn to express themselves clearly on the field verbally and through gestures and collaborate with their teammates to overcome opponents.


Resistance. It maintains a high activity level for an extended period.

To improve endurance, players should include aerobic exercises in their training, such as running, swimming, or cycling.

Speed. This is essential in football, both for attacking and defending.

Players can improve their speed through specific sprint exercises, changes in direction, and agility work.

Strength. The strength is needed to win physical duels, jump higher, and hit the balloon with power.

Players should incorporate strength exercises into their training routine, such as weight lifting, bodyweight exercises, and core work.

Flexibility. Good flexibility can prevent injuries and improve performance on the field.

Players can increase their flexibility through the following practices:

  • Static stretching
  • Dynamic stretches
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Massages and myofascial release
  • Regular flexibility routine

How to improve individual skills in football

To improve individual football skills, it is essential to identify the areas where progress is required and focus on them during training sessions.

Some tips for working on specific skills include:

Establish clear and realistic goals for each skill.

Design specific exercises and activities that address the skill in question.

Practice constantly and consciously, paying attention to detail and technique.

Monitor progress and adjust exercises as needed to keep improving.

On the other hand, observing and analyzing the performance of professional players can be an excellent way to learn and improve individual skills.

Some tips for studying professional players include:

Select players who perform in similar positions or have skills you want to improve.

View matches or summaries that show the player’s performance in specific situations.

Analyze the technique, the positioning, and the decisions taken by the player on the field.

Try to apply the lessons learned in the training sessions and at the parties.

Finally, applying what you have learned in real-game situations is essential once you have worked on training-specific skills and studied professional players.

Some recommendations for applying the theory to parties include:

Maintain concentration on the field and remember the skills and techniques practiced.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes; they are part of learning and improvement.

Communicate with teammates and the coach for feedback and support during the game.

Reflect on the performance after the party, identifying areas of success and those where more work is required.

Technology and support tools


The use of applications and digital platforms can be of great help and has become one of the ways to improve football.

Physical activity tracking applications. These applications can monitor physical performance during breaks and parties, such as distance covered, speed, and heart rate.

Tactical analysis platforms. Tools like Wyscout or Instat allow players and coaches to analyze parties and individual performance, identify improvement areas, and study rival teams’ tactics.

Specific entertainment applications. Some applications offer specific exercises and training programs for football players.


On the other hand, using equipment and training devices can enhance the effectiveness of the sessions and improve specific skills.

Some options include:

Training Balloons. Using balloons of different sizes and weights can help improve the control of the balloon and the technique of stepping and shooting.

Icons and markers. These elements can help design dribbling, speed, and agility exercises.

Walls and ladders of agility. They are excellent for improving reaction speed, skill, and coordination.

Performance monitoring devices. Pulsometers and accelerometers can provide valuable data on physical performance during training and parties.


Performance analysis is essential to identify areas for improvement and adjust training accordingly.

Some tips for carrying out the performance analysis include:

Recording of parties and entertainment. Recording the training and match sessions allows players and coaches to review their performance and analyze specific aspects of the game.

Performance statistics and metrics. Compiling data on-field performance, such as completed courses, door shots, and deployments, can help evaluate progress and set improvement goals.

Feedback from trainers and teammates. Communication with trainers and teammates can provide valuable information about individual performance and areas for improvement.

Self-evaluation. Reflecting on your performance and setting personal goals can help players stay focused and committed to continuous improvement.

Frequent questions about how to improve in football

How much time should you dedicate to training to improve in football? The amount of time dedicated to exercise depends on your goals and availability. However, training at least thrice a week, for 60-90 minutes per session, is recommended to experience significant performance improvements. 

What exercises should I do to improve my resistance in the field? 

To improve endurance, include aerobic activities in your training routine, such as running, nothing air, cycling, or doing high-intensity intervals (HIIT).

Should I focus on training specific skills or on my overall performance? Both approaches are essential. Identify the areas where you need to improve and work on them, but also dedicate time to maintaining and improving your general skills for a balanced performance on the field.

If you want to improve in football, download CeleBreak

With CeleBreak, playing football is straightforward; just download the app, register, and play.

You can choose any modality: women’s, men’s, or fun mixed football.

Regardless of your experience at what level of play you have, you can sum up any football experiences that CeleBreak offers you.

Use your phone’s camera to scan the QR code and download our free app. Available for iOS and Android devices.