Born and raised in southern Holland, near the Belgian border, CeleBreak’s City Manager of Barcelona, Brit Hermans, majored in Psychomotor Therapy and is also a certified Life Coach. Being the natural-born leader that she is, it’s no surprise that she is at the forefront of all of CeleBreak’s operations in Barcelona overseeing the procurement of new fields, contracts with sponsors, and match planning for the past four years.
Having started her football career at the young age of 5 in an all-boys team, Brit made it clear from early on that football was her passion. Competing with the boys meant developing serious skills. It was only when she would run circles around them, shining as a lead scorer for various teams, that they realized that she wasn’t just a girl, she was a serious footballer.
Her passion for football grew throughout the years as she went on to play competitively as a teenager.. Eventually transitioning to an all-girls team at the age of 18, she continued competing at a national level in Holland until moving to Spain. The appeal of the Spanish lifestyle filled with sun, fun, and new adventures, were enough for her to leave her native Holland and settle in Barcelona.
Once in Barcelona she immediately began looking for somewhere to play, meet new people, learn the language, and compete in football games. Her eagerness to compete drove her to win a local tournament which resulted in an invitation to play in the F7 World Championship in Brazil. While playing in the country of Samba football her team was then invited to play in Rome and a ‘world tour’ had started.
Being the world traveler she is, Brit is no stranger to finding pick-up football matches wherever she goes. Just ask her about playing with the locals during her 8-month travels through Australia or her 6-month trip throughout Asia and the Himalayas. Spoken words are second to the universal language of football.
Brit Hermans joined the team in 2018 after moving to Barcelona. Not knowing where to play, she found CeleBreak. After playing in the third tournament that CeleBreak had ever organized, she fell in love with the concept, the dynamic, and the community of players. She eventually met Daniel Foth, CEO & Co-founder of CeleBreak, and began organizing CeleBreak’s first women’s football matches in Barcelona. The rest is history!